Integrated Credit Union QFE Disclosure Statement

Category 2 Products.

Financial Advisers Act 2008

This Disclosure Statement relates to financial adviser services provided by Integrated Credit Union Plc (ICU) and its Qualifying Financial Entity (QFE) advisers to retail clients in relation to the financial products set out in this document. It was prepared on 02 November 2017.

Name of QFE: Integrated Credit Union Plc
Trading names: Integrated Credit Union Plc; BankDirect
Main place of business: Integrated Credit Union, Five Bank Street London E14 4BG United Kingdom
Phone: + 442080404496

It’s important to read this document.
This information is important. It should help you make an informed decision on which financial adviser to choose. We may also give you other information that can help with the financial decisions you make.

What sort of adviser are we?
Integrated Credit Union is a Qualifying Financial Entity (QFE) and is a member of the QFE group called Integrated Credit Union QFE Group. Employees of Integrated Credit Union and other members of the Integrated Credit Union QFE Group (our advisers) may provide you with financial adviser services relating to our products and services.

As a QFE, Integrated Credit Union takes responsibility for the financial adviser services you get from our advisers. We’ll ensure our advisers exercise care, diligence and skill in providing financial adviser services to you.

Integrated Credit Union also has other obligations under the Financial Advisers Act 2008 (including regulations made under that Act) and under the general law.

What are our products and services?
This Disclosure Statement relates to financial adviser services that Integrated Credit Union offers to retail customers in relation to the following classes of financial products:

  • term deposits issued by Integrated Credit Union
  • transaction and savings accounts issued by Integrated Credit Union
  • cash and term portfolio investment entity funds (also known as PIEs) issued by Integrated Credit Union Group Investments Limited (a member of the Integrated Credit Union QFE Group) and promoted by Integrated Credit Union
  • loans, including home loans, personal loans, personal overdrafts
  • and personal credit cards provided by Integrated Credit Union

Integrated Credit Union may also from time to time provide financial adviser services in relation to financial products provided by third parties, including contracts of insurance (health, life, risk, travel, motor, home and contents) and pre-paid foreign currency products. If your Integrated Credit Union adviser can’t help with the advice you need, they’ll refer you to another adviser who can.

What should you do if something goes wrong?
If you have a problem, concern, or complaint about our products or financial adviser services, please let us know so we can try to fix the issue. You can do this in several ways:

  • contact a Customer Services Representative at your nearest branch, or ask to speak to the Branch Manager
  • call our Contact Centre on + 442080404496
  • use our feedback form available from any Integrated Credit Union branch or at
  • contact a Customer Care Manager on + 442080404496

If we can’t find a way to fix the issue, you can also contact the Banking Ombudsman, who may be able to help.

You can also report information about Integrated Credit Union or any of our advisers to the Financial Markets Authority.

How is Integrated Credit Union regulated?
Integrated Credit Union is licensed and regulated by the Financial Markets Authority to provide financial adviser services, a discretionary investment management service and to issue derivatives to retail investors. If you’re interested, you can check the status of Integrated Credit Union as a QFE and which other entities are a member of the Integrated Credit Union QFE Group on the register of financial service providers. Integrated Credit Union is also a registered bank, registered with and supervised by the Bank of England.

Get in touch with us
Or phone
+ 442080404496